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Debbie Doo

Slide Rainbow

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Song Library To Own!

I highly recommend Debbie Doo’s Music as a incredibly valuable resource for all families and schools.

Katherine Lemmentry , Speech Pathologist

You are an exceptional songwriter. Our boys love every song and the beat is infectious.

Luke Allen, Fan

Debbie just does not stand on the stage and perform to the audience. She performs with the audience and it's so refreshing to see.

Sarah Morrissey , Little Rockers Radio

You have been Aadisha’s very own music therapist. We can’t thank you enough.

Abhilasha Tiwari, Fan

You are a modern-day Mary Poppins in our house.

Karen Fryer , Fan

Thank you for being such an inclusive performer! Seeing you was such a positive experience for me and my girls.

Lauren Spooner, Fan

I recommend Debbie Doo. Debbie Doo has the best songs in the world, I love them so much. Debbie Doo is the best songwriter and singer in the whole world.

JE Deleon, Fan

I am the mother of an 11 year old with Down Syndrome. She constantly tells me how much she loves you and watches all your videos. Thank you.

Janine Cole Velvin , Fan

I find it amazing how engaging you make your videos and it’s all you! So creative!

Olivia De Sousa Ferres, Children's Performer

My 3yo Son loves you so much. Music beat is so catchy. My Son can’t stop dancing to the beat.

Colette Chio, Fan


To provide a safe and fun environment in which each child and their guardian are encouraged to sing, dance and learn important developmental skills to music that motivates movement.


A trusted and recognised global brand with a strong focus on movement as well as positive adult and child interaction, social, emotional and specialised learning. 


As a family focused brand we believe there should be no barriers in preventing children’s development through music and movement. We value total inclusion no matter age, race, belief or level of ability.